What are they eating???
I was able to make it out early Saturday morning for an hour. I fished from 0645-0745 and saw lots of trout but couldn't get them to take the fly. Wherever I looked it was like the salt water fishing...
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Shaun,Fish feed on or near the surface at Beaver quite steadily. They are extremely difficult to catch this way depending on the time of year.If you want to catch fish you need to go 3-6 down under...
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ShaunWhat you were seeing was either small caddis (my bet) or midges. I do believe you were right when thinking the fish were taking emergers. When I encounter those fish I tie on a size 16 soft...
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I fished the start of the hole below the last camping access. I never made it down to the rocks since two people were already ahead of me. I was right at the start of the pool since about two feet in...
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That should have worked. The drifts are VERY slow. Did you get as far up to the downed tree on the other side? You have to be really patient in that section as I've found I pick up fewer fish until...
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Nope I never made it around the bend. I fished from the same spot for the whole hour. The flow was very slow, so slow in some areas that I was getting no movement at all. Next weekend I will try some...
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Very few caddis on Beaver tailwater, guys, although caddis patterns will work from time to time. The trout surface feeders are mostly on midges during an emergence early in the morning in the summer...
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Scott,I've always wondered why they take these flies on the swing or stripped. Do they ever see a natural midge behave in that way? Is it just a strike instinct?The crackleback fly works like this...
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Blutch:Midge pupa are pretty energetic swimmers, but very erratic at times. Use the movement of adult emergers skimming the surface as a gauge for how far the pupa can move at time--probably farther...
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I have seen this feeding pattern a lot at Beaver and have been very successful with a number of emerger patterns. My favorite is the Crackleback, but I have also had success with a Griffith's Gnat and...
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Welcome to the crazy crew BW.ChuckA secret fly is never more valuable than when you leave it with a stranger.
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Those fish may well be taking spent midge, which is also common here at BSD, early morning time.Davy.http://davywotton.com.Fly Fishing Schools and guide services.
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Davy,I think that is probably a good guess. I have picked out a bunch of these on the water and they look like BWOs with clear spinner wings. There are a TON of them on the water. They are about size...
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Blutch,The main emergence of chironomids, which are the non biting species of midge is during the hours of dusk to darkness.If you are ever out here on the white river during that time, and...
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